«KDV Group» LLC (ООО «КДВ Групп») is the legal holding company's name. «KDV» company is an acceptable media reference.
«KDV Group» LLC is a Russian producer of snacks and confectionery products.
The following federal brands are in the asset of the Company: «Kirieshki», «Companions» («Kompashki»), «Grandmum's Seeds» («Babkiny semechki»), «Yashkino», «3 Crusts» («3 Korochki»), «Beerka», «Barentsev», as well as «Crispy Potato» («Khrustyashy kartofel»), «Bondi», «Mini Free», «Chipsons», «Green Parrot» («Zelyony popugay»), «Nue». A combined total of 16 trademarks is operated by the company.
The whole holding company has over 10 factories located in different cities of Russia. The enterprises produce about 350 kinds of products which is being sold in all cities throughout Russia and abroad.
The head office of the «KDV Group» LLC is located in the city of Tomsk.
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